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瑞士食品级SR 817.023.21

浏览次数: | 2020-11-17 14:28:50

      亿博第三方检测机构,具有第三方公正地位的独立检验机构, 已有超过十年的检测认证经验, 拥有资深的工程师队伍,专业的技术团队,服务热线:138-2432-8299

Swiss ----SR 817.023.21瑞士食品级


Material Test Item
塑料 Overall migration in distilled water
  Overall migration in 3 % acetic acid
Plastic(total) Overall migration in 10 % ethanol (默认用10%,客户要求可用50%ethanol 或其它)
2002/72/EC Overall migration in rectified olive oil or substitute of rectified olive oil
  (Melamine, PVC,PC, nylon默认替代)
  Soluble heavy metal (Ba, Co, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Zn)(默认用酸)
塑料新标准plastic(total) Overall migration in 10% ethanol
  Overall migration in 3 % acetic acid
(new rule) Overall migration in 20% ethanol
EU 10/2011 Overall migration in 50 % ethanol
  Overall migration in rectified olive oil or substitute of rectified olive oil
  (Melamine, PVC,PC, nylon默认替代)
  Soluble heavy metal (Ba, Co, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Zn)(默认用酸)
盖子密封圈推荐recommended for lid and O-ring in the cover Total Phthalate (optional)
Specific migration of phthalate in 95% ethanol
Specific migration of phthalate in iso-octane)
 For dyed  PU Specific migration of aromatic amine in  3% acetic acid
Plastic(total) old rules or new rules
Total Phthalate(optional)
Specific migration of phthalate in 95% ethanol
Specific migration of phthalate in iso-octane)
三聚氰胺树脂Melamine Plastic(total) old rules or new rules
Specific migration of Extractable formaldehyde
Specific migration of Melamine in 3% acetic acid
Nylon, PA Plastic(total) old rules or new rules
Specific migration of aromatic amine in  3% acetic acid
Specific migration of Caprolactam in 3% acetic acid
PC Plastic(total) old rules or new rules
Specific migration of BPA in 3% acetic acid (模拟液选择根据客户要求,默认用酸)
硅橡胶 Overall migration in distilled water
  Overall migration in 3 % acetic acid
Silicone rubber Overall migration in 10 % ethanol                                (默认用10%,客户要求可用50%ethanol 或其它)
  Overall migration in substitute of rectified olive oil      (95% ethanol and iso-octane)
金属(锡除外)Metal(except tin) Total Pb
total Cd
total Zn
Leachable Aluminum in 3% acetic acid
( only  for contact with fruit and vegetable juice)
tin 锡  total Sn
Total Pb
total Cd
陶瓷,玻璃ceramic,glass Leachable Lead & Cadmium


亿博检测高级技术顾问certified engineer


余浩群 2006年进入亿博检测技术有限公司,担任高级技术顾问。
精通各类检测认证标准,服务过上千家企业。 联系方式:13824328299(微信同号) 座机:0755-29451282    传真:0755-22639141
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此文关键词:瑞士食品级,SR 817.023.21